Writing the 8 WebCopy Headline Categories

My article this issue is an excerpt from a book I was reading recently titled; The Copywriters Handbook by Robert Bly, a secondary small niche I focus on a bit. It categorizes the different types of headlines which are most common and in use today.

My immediate thought when I was reading this was to see which one tested best and then go onto the the next one, working my way through the list,... see what I mean,... testing each headline to see which ones pulls best.

So below I have them for your use. For space issues of course, I condensed them to a brief summary and an example. Enjoy.

1. Direct Headlines: state the selling proposition directly, with no room for wondering.
"Pure Silk Blouses 30% Off"

2. Indirect Headlines: leaves a "roundabout" way to the message and product or service.
"Ten Million to One. We can mix it"

3. News Headlines: gives a "newsy" type headline about the product.
"Introducing the new Citation II" - Chevrolet

4. How-to Headline: gives a how-to approach and implication to the headline.
"How-To Turn A Simple Party Into A Royal Ball"

5. Question Headlines: pose a question to the readers/prospects can empathize with.
"Have You Any Of These Decorating Problem?" - Bigelow Carpets

6. Command Headlines: tell your prospects or reader what to do. Examples:
"Try Burning This Coupon" - Harshaw Chemical Company

7. Reason Why Headlines: pose a "list fashion" in the headline. Examples:
"Seven reason whys you should join..."
"120 to 4,000 reasons why you should..."
they can also can be in a,...
"6 Ways to etc. ..."
"7 Steps for etc. ..."

8. Testimonial Headlines: One of the Best types of headlines to have, is the testimonial, as this adds believability to the product/service in question.

To sum up,... the 8 categories of headlines in use today they are: Direct, InDirect, How-to, News, Command, Question, Reason Why, and The Testimonial.

In my own works; I'm finding, that some are easier to create than others, but see how they go for you. See which one or two pull best and of course stick with those.

Burke Ferguson holds both a BSc. degree in Computer Science as well Certification in Search Engine Optimization and Marketing Strategies. He regularly publishes The ACE! newsletter, in which he shares his experience, methods, and knowledge about what works and about what is 'BS'. He can be contacted by http://www.the-ace-ezine.com or http://www.altacanweb.com

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