5 Effective Web Writing Tips

Writing for the web is very different from writing for the print medium. Writing for the web requires some special abilities. Mastering these abilities is crucial to establish yourself as a well known author or content writer in this challenging medium.

Here are a few key tips to make you an expert in writing for the web.

Make your document scan able

People scan a web page rather than read them. Make your document easily readable by using simple and short sentences. A few short sentences make short paragraphs. Short paragraphs are more easily scanned than longer ones.

Use heads, subheads and lists

Start the writing with a header followed by short sentences. Use as many sub heads as required for different points. Sometimes you may also use a list to highlight all the important points.

The title could be short and work the best. However longer titles can have keywords and are more searchable

Use of Keywords

Being searchable is an important aspect of Web writing. Whatever be the title of your topic, article or web page, use related key words as often as possible throughout the page. Start with a summary which has a higher density of these keywords followed by a liberal sprinkling of them throughout the copy.

However the use of keywords must be natural and should not be used without making sense just for being searchable.

Provide links for additional information

This is something unique to web writing. Wherever you want to be descriptive or provide more information you can provide a link to the required page. While this makes your writing to the point, the reader has the option to learn more on the subject if he so desires.


The best principle to follow in web writing is tell what you want to tell. Tell it. Tell what you have told.

Start your writing with a small summary of what you want to say. Then say what you want to in the main content. Finally conclude by giving a summary of what you have said.

Keeping these key techniques in mind for whatever you want to write for the web will make you more readable, keep your readers happy, search engines finding you easily and your own satisfaction at being able to deliver quality content.

R.G. Srinivasan is a Certified Trainer, Writer and Author with more than two decades of managerial experience. He writes a regular blog on home-business resources which you may check out at http://www.home-businessresources.blogspot.com for online marketing tips, resources, opportunities and online promotional strategies

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