Writing Is Not Life-threatening

Some writers complain that writing is arduous work requiring long hours and little pay, which is often true especially for freelance fiction writers. Today, everyone wants to be a writer and with word processors and computers it is easy to put thoughts down, but it is not always effortless to be published unless one self-publishes or uses a vanity press.

Neverthe less, writing although demanding, is not life threatening. Yes, it is a lonely occupation as the writer sits alone at the keyboard and pours forth his/her ideas. Many more occupations or vocations are more dangerous than sitting before a monitor and looking at the screen as letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and composition unfold before the writer's eyes. The most dangerous effects are eye strain, muscle fatigue, and carpal. Sometimes, back strain is an occupational hazard due to poor posture or poor equipment, it's not like the military where digging a trench under fire can be common.

Writing, on the other hand, is fulfilling in some way. Some write for money, some for recognition, some for enjoyment, and others to leave a legacy, usually a book that will outlive them or be passed on to their progeny. Most write because the like to express themselves in a way that is unique and satisfying. In any case, the writer feels some need that must be satisfied.

Writing as a career does have it hazards. If it is needed to provide revenue to maintain life, it can be frustrating. Writers who are salaried find that the pay is low and usually insufficient although over time it may rise if the writer stays long enough with the employer be it a newspaper, a magazine, a trade, or other organizations that uses the services of a writer. Freelancers probably are more thwarted in their attempts to earn a satsifying income. Their earnings usually fluctuate greatly of a year.

Even so, all writers need to be fulfilled and satisfied by what they do whether they are salaried, freelance, or writing for personal gratification. They must feel that the writing life is a good life!

Charles O. Goulet had a BA in history and a BEd in English literature. Several of his historical novels have been published and are available at Amazon.com. Amazon.ca, Barnes and Noble, and many other bookstores.

His website is: http://www.telusplanet.net/public/go1c
His blog is:http://go1c.blogspot.com

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