7 Reference Books for Your Desk

I hate to admit this, but I rarely get an original idea. That's bad for a writer.

However, I've got lots of paperback friends who help me sound smarter. They're the seven reference texts I keep on top of my desk. Here they are, and why each one means so much to me.

1. Dictionary - And old teacher once told me, "If you don't know the meaning, look it up." Sound advice. My desk copy is "Webster's New World Dictionary."

2. Thesaurus - I'm always looking for a different way to say things, and this text helps me a lot. It's called "Roget's College Thesaurus."

3. Idiom reference - People often use a common idiom or cliché' to clarify what they say. I keep the "Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms" next to my keyboard.

4. Dictionary of synonyms - The one I use is "The Merriam-Webster Pocket Dictionary of Synonyms."

5. Encyclopedia - To quickly find details on historical figures or products, I consult a great single volume paperback called "The New American Desk Encyclopedia."

6. Quotations - A quote from an expert can add impact to a speech or report. The book I use is "The International Thesaurus of Quotations" by Rhoda Thomas Tripp.

7. Idea generator - Well, this sounds self-serving, but I often use my own book to give me ideas for first paragraphs, transitional sentences, and conclusions. That book is "Words That Stick" by Rix Quinn.

Rix Quinn writes a weekly syndicated humor column, and develops writing workshops for schools, colleges, and business groups. His book "Words That Stick" is available from http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1580085768/qid/

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