
How many of you take the time to really write down your thoughts?

Do you know that journaling not only lets you "work" out problems but releases tension and gets the problem off your mind.

I started journaling about 10 years ago right after I had my first son. My husband, Brent, was in the military and I was very lonely. He was gone a lot on field exercises or overseas and I was alone with a baby. Most of the time I couldn't call home because at that time there was no such thing as unlimited long distance and we couldn't afford a computer so I was basically alone.

Oh I had a few friends but at that time I was the only one with a baby and all my military friends had a career or were going to school so they were usually too busy to talk or I just didn't want to tell them what was bothering me.

I went out and bought a nice journal from Wal-Mart and when things got to hard for me to deal with I started writing them down. Not only did I feel better but also I was able to think things through! If something was bothering me I wrote it down and didn't go back to read it for a week or more, usually by that time I was able to come up with a solution.

I would spend about 15 minutes a night "talking" to my journal. Telling "her" everything I wanted to talk to others about but since I was raised you don't air your problems out I couldn't tell some people what was really bothering me, so this was an outlet for me.

I would also write down sayings or quotes that I really liked and add that to my journal.

A journal can be anything you like it to be?you can rant and rave nobody but you will read it. You can problem solve; you can just ramble on and on nobody to judge you.

So go to Wal-Mart or find someone who sells blank journals and get one! It doesn't have to be anything fancy.

Here is what I like to do when its time to buy a journal:

I go and look for a cover that jumps out at me, is an expression of me

I then go look at the pens and purchase a pen that is just for my journaling, yep something special; it makes you want to write more believe it or not.

Start out your journal with the date you started it and where you live, this is especially important for years later when you look back in your journals. Next date it and write your first entry with why you decided to start a journal.

Take the time each day to write something even if it's a couple sentences, express yourself, and get everything off your chest!

Once a month re-read your entries to see if you have solved that problem, or to see how you accomplished a goal.

A journal is an extension of you, don't worry about what others will think, no one but you should be reading it. Let it all out, yell at someone that is bugging you, express your happiness about something that happened that day.

To get you started here are a couple topics that you may want to use in your journal:

Write down a couple things you like about yourself

Write down a couple things you would like to improve in your life, now don't just say I need to lose 5 pounds etc the point is to make a goal and believe you can do it.

Go through a magazine and copy down or paste into your journal a quote or saying you like then write about it. Tell your journal why you picked the quote or article to write about, how did it influence you? What was your first response? Did it make you feel happy or sad? Did it inspire you to do something different in your life?

If you are reading a book write a little bit about the book and why you thought it would be a great read.

Write down your goals for the week, and keep track of them. Did you do what you set out to do for that week; if not what can you do the following week to help you meet that goal?

Talk about the weather, be descriptive?don't just say the leaves are changing colors and it is cold outside, learn to be descriptive. SAY As I looked out my window today I noticed that the trees look like they are on fire, the air is crisp and the smell of autumn is in the air.

Talk about your kids, your hubby, your parents etc.

Talk about what you are doing in your business this week, how you want to grow, brainstorm ways to make it grow and what you need to do to help it grow.

If something inspires you to write, then write about it.

A journal is a wonderful thing to carry with you at all times, you can take that 15-minute break between practices with your kids and write down your thoughts and feelings.

Decorate your journal, if you go to a craft store and see stickers that you like by all means buy them and use them in your journal.

Touch base with your creative side again. Use stickers, markers, paints anything to express how you feel at that moment, who cares what you do its your journal and your thoughts.

For example when I am angry the colors that jump out at me are red and black it doesn't matter what I draw sometimes I just attack the page with red and black scribbles, sounds silly but it works!

Now that I have given you some ideas go get a journal and start out writing something everyday. Let your thoughts flow don't worry about spelling errors or what others may think if they should ever read it?reason I said that is when I first started journaling I was worried how I sounded or what others would think if they should read it. WHO CARES?

Rebecca White is a mom to 3 very active boys. Over the years she has learned in order to be the best for her family she needs to actively take time for herself daily. She has written an e-book called "Time for Moms-How one "Supermom" Learned how to revive her Body and Soul"

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