Writing Information

Help! I Cant Write!

Writer's Block can strike like a King Cobra, paralyzing every little golden nugget you try to create. What can you do to lick it? Below are some fun suggestions to crack the nut! (write about each prompt for twenty minutes)1) Take yourself to the local coffee shop and eavesdrop.

Get Noticed! Eight Tips to Catching an Editors Eye

The first five pages of a novel are critical.Editors make quick judgments.

Use These 3 Editing Tips to Ensure Your Writing Hits the Bull's-Eye

The first step in the writing process is to put your ideas down on paper. Once you have text to work with, the second step is to revise what you have written to make it as clear, accurate and powerful as you can.

What Is The Single Worst Writing Mistake?

The following answer sounds simplistic?but think about it. The single worst writing mistake is "not starting.

Four Act Stories and Beyond

There are various forms of structure, including frameworks, work processes and goal setting.A lot has been written about story structure.

Are Writing Exercises Effective?

It was reported that the great American author Sinclair Lewis was once asked to give a lecture on writing to a group of college students: "Looking out at this gathering," he said to the assembled students, "makes me want to know how many of you really and truly wish to become writers?" Every hand in the room went up. Lewis looked at them for a moment and then folded his notes and put them away.

Turning Your Journal Into An Idea Bank

A few magazines refer to their written idea sources in assigning articles to reliable, experienced writers, or even allow those writers to peruse them for topics to write about.And for awhile, I kept an idea book that was similar to a writer's journal.

How to Write Your Op-Ed Piece

Op-ed articles, also known as opinion/editorial articles, are a great way for aspiring writers to publicize their work and, in exchange, receive an amazing amount of publicity for free. You can write an op-ed piece and get it publicized provided you follow these simple rules.

Rejection - Have the Right Perspective and Don't Quit

If you're getting rejections from your submissions, please don't quit yet until you read the following article. I want you to get a perspective on rejection.

Focusing Your Reading and Finding Ideas

Many experts recommend reading as a way to get ideas, but usually do not offer more specific suggestions, such as pinpointing and identifying areas that you can select from and write about. From my own experience, I know how frustrating this can be.

Freelance Feast or Famine?

Sometimes a freelance writing career can feel very much like "feast or famine".At the very beginning, it's almost all famine.

Increase Your Chances Of Winning Writing Contests

Winning writing contests can provide several advantages to writers. For starters it's a great way to get your name in print and in front of potential readers.

Writing with a Sense of Adventure

We've all been told that we need to use all five senses to bring our fiction to life. Sight, sound, smell, taste and touch all need to be invoked.

Discover the Magic of the Most Beautiful Words in the English Language

'Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.' Henry James.

7 Ways to Turn Readers Into Friends

Back in my school days, if the teacher demanded a term paper I knew just what to do. I quickly researched the report, and wrote it as fast as I could.

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Screenwriting and Screenwriters - beyond Syd Field
Without denigrating the work and contribution of Syd Field to the art of screenwriting, it is about time many screenwriters moved on.Syd Field gave us the plot point - a clearer definition of what was previously known as the "twist" - as well as other concepts such as the "pinch" and midpoint.
10 Tips To Help You Pack More Power Into Your Business Writing
1. Before you write anything down define not what you want to say, but what your message must achieve.
Five Golden Rules for Writers
Regardless of what sort of writer you are and how much you love to write, there are probably days when you'd rather clean ditches than face another blank page.As writers, we face common challenges; staying motivated and confident, avoiding "writer's block," and meeting goals (on time!) are some of the toughest.
Crime Writing Beckons
If your cash is running out fast and you have an incessant need to write, why not turn to crime?No! Not committing crime, but to writing about crime. Crime is all around us, and people want to know about it.
[When I was a nineteen-year-old high school student and budding poet - two years after my diving accident] many factors adversely affected my creativity. My trips in a special bus to school and back home, my courses, and my assignments, though I was spared a lot of writing and was mostly tested orally, all this was time-consuming.
Discover the Writer Hiding Inside You
Has the thought run across you mind that you might want to write a column or two? Maybe you thought about writing your own material for your company newsletter. Maybe someone asked you to share your expertise with others by writing a how-to paper.
Open a Vein
If you want to be a writer, you must write and that requires sitting at your typewriter or computer and writing although it may not be easy. That also means avoiding all distractions that will keep one from writing-visitors, friends, relatives, television, radio, and anything that will keep the writer from concentrating on the task.
Is The Theme Running Throughout The Story?
Creative Writing Tips -It's no use coming up with a theme and not using it. Short stories are about a character or characters and about one situation or happening in those characters' lives.
Revising Your Manuscript: Fourteen Questions to Ask Yourself
1) Can you summarize the story in about a sentence or two?Example:Three daughters try desperately to save their father from his conniving new wife.A cop has to fight a losing battle with the bottle and discover the identity of a serial killer.
Do You Plot With Your Character In Mind?
Creative Writing Tips -You are plotting the story. You write down what will happen, what problems will arise, what obstacles you will place so the character won't reach his goals immediately, what he's going to do to overcome these problems etc?So all these things will be happening to your character since it's his story we are telling.
How to Have an Effective Writing Group
The works you've written are numerous, ranging from short stories to even the novel, hidden in a storage bin (under the bed) collecting dust. But there comes a time when you must wipe away that dust, regain your pride, and prepare your babies for publication! But, how do you get such a critical, unbiased eye to analyze your works, offering both praise and criticism?It's simple-start a writing group!Creating a writing group is the easy part, but creating a functioning and beneficial writing group can be quite a task.
If You Want to Succeed As a Writer, Dont Just Think It, Do It
It never ceases to amaze me when a prospective writer confesses that he or she has never put anything down on paper. Obviously, that's the first step.
Ghostwriting - Making Money by Being Invisible
My bookcase take up one whole wall in the family room, from floor to ceiling. It shows my eclectic reading tastes.
Writing the PDA Way
When we think of writing it triggers many thoughts and visions depending on our framing. It could trigger a lone man with a full astray, unshaven, staring at an old plunking typewriter with white blank crisp paper waiting in anticipation for his words.
Top 7 Writers Sites for 2005
If you dream of turning your book into a best seller, or you're looking to become a best selling author in your field, then these sites promise to help you do just that.Whether you are a reader or a writer, you'll find something here that will help you build your writing career, or lead you to a great book.
Want to start a publishing revolution?
Calling all publishers, editors, journalists and freelance writers. It's time to breathe more life into your copy.
Revving Up Your Writing Productivity
Productivity begins by recognizing and valuing your brilliance, time, and space. It starts with awareness of what works and what does not.
The Struggle
Sometime one must coax the words out.Each day is a struggle to sit before the computer and produce-produce words that are appropriate, produce sentences that are logical, produce paragraphs that are focused, and produce a page that is relevant to the project-whether it is a poem, a short story, an article, an essay, or part of a novel.
Have You Tested Your Plot?
Creative Writing Tips -Our plotting stage is our testing area.Everything in the plot should be tested for its effectiveness before we put in into our stories.
Memoir Writing Help, Memoir Writing Ideas
You might not need any memoir writing help, per se, as you know your past and you know quite well how to write, thank you. You might instead just need someone to inspire you, motivate you, give you a nudge--with some memoir writing ideas.