Writing Information

Become the Writer You Always Dreamed of Being

So you want to be a writer, except you don't know where to begin. Heck you can't even think of something to write about let alone how you're going to get paid for writing.

Advice for New Writers

With the advent of email communications in the workplace, it's not uncommon to exchange dozens of messages daily. Sometimes, I sense a writer's "voice" in such messages.

Using Technology to Improve Your Final Draft

One Saturday afternoon, I sat in a packed conference room with about 150 other would be writers, listening to a conference instructor tell us the keys to self-editing our manuscripts. The number of people in the room spoke to how important it is to make sure your work is crisp, and as close to publishable as possible.

Time to Write

SO YOU WANT TO BE A WRITER?Many people have entertained the idea of being a writer. They feel the passion to write.

The Authors Life: 14 Hints on Creating a Career Plan

1. Remember publication is a business; writing is an art.

Uncommon Advice for Beginning Novelists

1) Convince yourself you want to do something else. If you don't succeed, proceed to number 2.

Ten Ways to Get Cheap (and Free) Magazine Samples

1 - Join a reading or writing group. Ask members to bring in their already-read magazines and have an exchange.

First Priority

No matter what you are writing, the first priority is write the first draft.Most writers procrastinate.


How many of you take the time to really write down your thoughts?Do you know that journaling not only lets you "work" out problems but releases tension and gets the problem off your mind.I started journaling about 10 years ago right after I had my first son.

Are You Feeling Dash-ing? Using Punctuation for Effect and Influence

The dash--that curious mark of punctuation people use in their email and letters. Not the hyphen (-), but the dash (--).

Groundbreaking Work

Every writer knows that the urge to write is not always present. As a result, the dedicated writer writes anyway.

Six Tips for Submitting Fiction - if you want it to get published

You can learn a lot about what it takes to place a story in an ezine by starting up one of your own.Last month I started work on a new ezine for writers, which I intended to use to publish high-quality, contemporary fiction, from writers all over the world.

Proof Positive: the importance of proofreading

Last week I was having a quick browse on eBay when something caught my eye. "Black patient shoes!" screamed the headline.

Revising Your Manuscript: Fourteen Questions to Ask Yourself

1) Can you summarize the story in about a sentence or two?Example:Three daughters try desperately to save their father from his conniving new wife.A cop has to fight a losing battle with the bottle and discover the identity of a serial killer.

How To Write Your Book Within A Week

Everyone has a book inside them, or so the saying goes. But few people get that book out.

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Basic Word Processing Tips for Writers
Word processors are so widely used now that I tend to take it for granted that most writers know how to perform basic tasks (e.g.
The Spectre Hound
And a dreadful thing from the cliff did spring, and its wild bark thrill'd around, His eyes had the glow of the fires below, 'twas the form of the spectre houndOne of the most chilling omens of death in English folklore is the large, spectral demon dog called Black Shuck. A death omen comes to collect souls and if you have the misfortune to see Black Shuck - expect death to come within a year.
Writing Your Best-Selling Non-Fiction Book Title
Your struggling to sell just a few copies of your book, ebook, report or other information-based product each month?Are you stumped by the lack of response you are getting?You are positive people want your information, yet no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to tap into the flood of demand with your infoproduct.Happily, there is one simple, quick change you can make to your product that can make a massive difference to your results -- improve your book title.
Are Writing Exercises Effective?
It was reported that the great American author Sinclair Lewis was once asked to give a lecture on writing to a group of college students: "Looking out at this gathering," he said to the assembled students, "makes me want to know how many of you really and truly wish to become writers?" Every hand in the room went up. Lewis looked at them for a moment and then folded his notes and put them away.
Writing Helpful Help - A Minimalism Checklist
User documentation is all too often written by programmers for programmers. It tends to focus on the product's features, rather than the user's tasks.
Planning Time To Write
In his book, "Achieving Financial Independence as a Freelance Writer," Ray Dreyfack, a full-time freelancer for 30 years, suggests that writers "ease" into full-time writing while maintaining their day jobs. If you're following this advice, either by choice or by necessity, you know that it's not always easy.
Discover the Writer Hiding Inside You
Has the thought run across you mind that you might want to write a column or two? Maybe you thought about writing your own material for your company newsletter. Maybe someone asked you to share your expertise with others by writing a how-to paper.
Getting To Know Your Characters
Interesting characters that readers care about are the most important 'ingredients' in your novel.That might sound like a fairly sweeping statement, but think about it.
Nobody Likes A Rambler
We all know people who ramble. They include every boring and insignificant detail, speak in five-minute-long sentences and take forever to get to the point.
Need a Book Coach, Ghost Writer, or Editor? Part 1
If you either want to write a book to help others create a better life and boost business or you already have your book nearly finished, you may need book coaching to answer all of your questions "What step to take next?" Many writers think that all they need is a good editor and their book will be ready for publishing and promoting.Maybe you think you don't have enough time to write it yourself.
Should I Keep Writing?
Writers are an insecure lot.It's easy to understand why.
Imagine The Imagination
Imagine a three hundred page book was in the author's mind before it was poured out onto the pages of the book.Imagine all those words are words we all know and use but one person takes those words and arranges them in a certain way in the mind; the person fuses these words to form a story.
How to Build A Success Freelance Career (Part 2)
Part 1 of this article discussed the experience you need to successfully build a freelance career. Here, I will outline other necessities.
You Dont Need Inspiration!
Or do you?Writers write. You shouldn't wait around for inspiration to come.
The ENTP Inventor Writes A Novel
People familiar with the Myers-Briggs Personality test know that the writer is the INFJ. This person is introverted, intuitive, feelings-oriented and judgmental.
Screenwriting - The Lone Wolf Story Structure Template
Story Structure Templates are the fastest way to write screenplays. One of the most well known and often used templates, which goes beyond three and four act structure, is the Hero's Journey.
Six Tips for Submitting Fiction - if you want it to get published
You can learn a lot about what it takes to place a story in an ezine by starting up one of your own.Last month I started work on a new ezine for writers, which I intended to use to publish high-quality, contemporary fiction, from writers all over the world.
What You May Not Learn In College... (Part Two)
If you become a writer for any publication, private business, public entity, non-profit organization and/or large corporation that employs more than one editor, you may find that your job description, expected contributions, desired writing style and similar "guidelines" for your position - are subject to change daily/weekly/unpredictably - according to each editor's mood and/or personal preferences. It takes time, but eventually you will learn how to satisfy everyone to the best of your ability.
Get Rich Writing With Your Computer Word Processor
Your computer is a writing machine, a word processor, a desktop publishing system that can make you rich and famous. The big seller on the internet is information products and you can get a flood of cash pouring into your home office from you writing.
Editing Secrets
Once you've plotted out your book, developed the characters and written the last word of text, the real work begins. As busy editors are bombarded with hundreds or even thousands of submissions a year, it's more important than ever that authors apply their own editing skills to their manuscripts before putting them in the mail.