Writing Information

How to Relax Your Writing

Q. My writing sounds stiff and stilted.

Think Market!

Griselda spent hours polishing up her resume. No detail was too small: type face, layout and spacing.

Five Tips to Find More Time for Your Writing Life

When I asked new ezine subscribers, "What is your Number One writing question?" the answer came back loud and clear: "Time!"How do I find time to write? I'm busy all day -- and when I make some time, the phone rings or someone needs to see me right away.Here's how a coaching session -- or series of sessions -- might address these questions.

Grow Your Ideas Without Letting Words Grow Like Weeds

Q: How do I expand on an idea without getting too wordy?A. Before you begin counting words, focus on holding the reader's interest.

Becoming A Successful Author: The Price!

So you want to be a successful author? You want to be up there with Brown, Archer, King, but what price are you prepared to pay? You might be lucky and your first book could be an overnight success but the chances are you'll be hacking it for years before success knocks.If you decided to become a lawyer, an accountant, a bricklayer, or even to start an 'ordinary' business then you would be prepared to make sacrifices, to invest in the future.

Business Writing: 10 Great Authors

Great business writers combine narrative skills with sound judgment to create classics that help both the beginner and the mid-career professional.Writing's completely subjective.

Taking the Free Out of Freelance Writing

When you run an online agency for freelance writers, editors and proofreaders you'd think the biggest problem would be attracting employers who are willing to pay a decent hourly rate for freelance writing. You'd be wrong.

Writing With Power: 5 Snappy Rules For Success

Almost everyone could profit from enhancing their writing skills. From writing more crisp meta-tags - which search engine bots find quite sexy - to turbo-charging your blog readership by writing with punch, a skilled pen can propel any online effort in the right direction.

Top Ten Great Headline Ideas

What Makes a Great Headline?Headlines are far more important than the copy beneath them. If you don't use headlines within your chapter or in your Web site sales letters and article titles, you will lose your audience's attention in a few seconds.

How to Finish Your Self-Published Book Fast

Started a book and then got bogged down? Like many of my bookcoaching clients do you say, "I have so many other demands, I just can't get to the book."This isn't procrastination or fear.

Whats Missing in your Nearly Finished Book?

Bookcoaching clients come to me at different stages of writing their books. The ones who start from ground zero with a coach and learn what goes into each chapter to make it more readable and sell better.

What you Dont Know About Book Publishing Can Cost You

Dream that your book can be a number one best seller? Read books or visit Web sites that say they have your answers? -- All you need to do is get their program, follow their advice, and the world is yours. Or, you think I'll write it, but someone else can market and promote it.

Top Seven Ways to Write your Print or eBook Fast

Want to write your book? But, need a blueprint on why it will help your profits and brand your business? Need to know each step so you can delegate it to an assistant or do it yourself in just an hour a day for less than a month?Each chapter within my eBook "Write Your Print or Other Short Book-Fast!" can help fiction and non-fiction authors.Ch.

Keep your Book Dream Alive

Is your book nearly finished, finished, published, or even in its early stages? Do you want to know how to promote it with ease and low cost?Maybe you have already tried other methods to sell you book and felt tired of?- Submitting unseen or unheard media releases- Chasing book reviews that yielded small negligible results- Selling only a few books at your book signings- Exerting a lot of effort to travel, to speak, only to reap mediocre book sales- Experiencing radio and TV talk show low book sales results- Wondering why your bookstore or distributor has stopped selling your books- Worrying about who will promote your book now that your publisher has stopped- Feeling dismayed your book isn't giving you the ongoing, passive income you hoped for- Feeling discouraged about all the wasted time and money you have spentKeep Your Book Dream AliveJust like you, I wrote Ten Non-Techie Ways to Market your Book Online because as an author, just like you, I was tired of the old ways to get my books sold. Lackluster sales and chasing a low-results pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, I turned to the Internet four years ago.

Best Writing Advice I Ever Got

I've been in the communications business a long time?over 25 years. During that period I've gathered writing suggestions from all over, and put much of it in my new book "Words That Stick.

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Writing - Copyrights and Trademarks Protect You
When most people consider writing a book, they don't think about Trademarks. However, I highly recommend that you leverage your writing for multiple purposes, and that's why registering a Trademark for your concept is a good idea.
A Plan
All writers should use a plan whether written or reflected. This includes the initial idea, the content or main points, and the conclusion whether it is an article, a short story, a chapter, or a complete novel.
Idea Mining for Writers 101
Want to write an article or book, but are stuck for ideas? Here are a few practical ways to awaken that muse.- Keep a writer's journal.
How To Identify Your Own Style Of Writing
This article is to help identify which style, technique or strategy of writing that one may use. I will also help to understand the method in the way a writer writes and help in determinining which aproach may suite your needs.
How to Write Articles, Reports, and Books Quickly
Do you have trouble getting your thoughts and ideas down into an article? Do you find it difficult to put 'pen to paper' to get your book started? Do you sit facing a blank screen struggling to find the words to write? If so, here are some tips and strategies you can use to get your material written quickly.1.
Scenes and Structure
Beginning writers often tend to think of a book as a series of chapters. It's actually more useful to regard it as a series of linked scenes.
7 Ways to Turn Readers Into Friends
Back in my school days, if the teacher demanded a term paper I knew just what to do. I quickly researched the report, and wrote it as fast as I could.
Pairs/Groups Of Words Often Confused - Part 3 of 6
ELICIT, ILLICITElicit means to extract or draw out; illicit means not legal.EVERYONE, EVERY ONEEveryone means every person in a group; every one means each person and is always followed by "of".
Write For Yourself First
It would be very selfless or noble of me to tell you that I have created my web site only to help you and the rest of humanity. The reason for me spending so much time and energy into my writing and this site is selfish.
Planning Time To Write
In his book, "Achieving Financial Independence as a Freelance Writer," Ray Dreyfack, a full-time freelancer for 30 years, suggests that writers "ease" into full-time writing while maintaining their day jobs. If you're following this advice, either by choice or by necessity, you know that it's not always easy.
Screenwriting and Screenwriters - beyond Syd Field
Without denigrating the work and contribution of Syd Field to the art of screenwriting, it is about time many screenwriters moved on.Syd Field gave us the plot point - a clearer definition of what was previously known as the "twist" - as well as other concepts such as the "pinch" and midpoint.
How to Build Your Site with Other Peoples Content -- Part 1
Building a new website can be extremely exciting. Seeing your words in "print"--maybe for the first time.
The Bottomless Notebook
Reading through a writer's notebook or journal is like discovering pearls, rubies and diamonds amidst a pile of rubble.That little notebook is a powerhouse of ideas for every writer: The more you write down bits and pieces of your thoughts and observations, the more you are adding into the well of ideas for future works.
Pairs/Groups Of Words Often Confused - Part 2 of 6
BAITED, BATEDBaited usually refers to traps or snares. When the reference is to someone who is hardly daring to breathe, the correct word is always bated:"She watched with bated breath.
Good Writing
Good writing is like sex. Two people are involved - the writer and the reader.
Seven Compelling Reasons to Get Your Name on a Book Cover
Have you ever considered writing a book? If so, maybe you've already established firmly in mind your exact purpose for becoming an author. Your reasons may match one or more of those below.
Five Minute Miracles
Does Your Story Have A Theme?
Creative Writing Tips -It should.A theme is a one-line explanation of your story.
Whose Story Is It?
Whenever you sit down to plot a story (or even to think about a story) one of the first things you have to ask yourself is this: "Whose story IS it?"It seems like a simple question - but your story can succeed or fail depending on how you handle this. Told from the wrong point of view, a story can founder before the first chapter has come to an end.
Interviewing an Author: Dont Be Left Speechless
Joyce Carol Oates. Langston Hughes.