Writing Information

Making Better Word Choices - 4 Examples

Choosing the wrong words can have a poor effect on your writing and on you. Whether you are writing a cover letter for a job, a business proposal, or an application essay for graduate school, using words poorly can result in negative feedback.

How to Build Your Site with Other Peoples Content -- Part 1

Building a new website can be extremely exciting. Seeing your words in "print"--maybe for the first time.

Sell More Books With a Powerful Back Cover

Did you know that your back cover information is, after the cover, the best way to sell more books? And, that most authors, emerging and experienced, miss this opportunity to engage more potential buyers?Your book's front cover and sizzling title must impress your buyers in four-eight seconds. If they like it, they will spend ten or so seconds on your back cover-a great opportunity to convince them that your book is necessary for their success.

Publish Your Novel on the First Try

Rejection. This scary word plagues virtually every writer this side of John Grisham.

How to Avoid the 11 Biggest Mistakes of First Time Authors

"If you want to change your life," Harry Beckwith wrote in The Invisible Touch, "write a book." But writing a book can also be tremendously frustrating and unrewarding.

Writing Help

Whether you are working for a small business, large corporation, or are a student, there are numerous sources that you can turn to for help with writing. Businesses need to be able to effectively communicate with their customers, their employees and their potential customers.

Know Your Editing Choices

Each author has special editing needs. To save yourself time and money, look at the choices below and decide which kind of editing suits your needs.

Bring Out the Natural Writer in You

Think you can't write a book that will sell? You aren't a natural writer? In fact, you don't really like to write?Putting a book together can be daunting. But no, you don't need to hire a ghostwriter.

Sick of the Traditional Publishing Path?

A book coaching client recently emailed me that she was getting sick of traditional publishing because of so many costly requirements and so little payoff. Do you feel the same way?Fifteen years ago, I worked hard on a 60-page proposal for a top agent and after a year got "approval" to be his client.

Know your Audience Before you Write Your Book or Web Site

If you want happy customers to use your service or buy your book, you need to focus on their needs and desires.Unhappy customers leave when they can't find what they want--benefits and an easy way to buy.

A Perfect Day for Writers

In one of the exercises in my "Getting Started as a Freelance Writer" workshop, I ask participants to describe what a "perfect day" would be like for them.The responses are frequently tender, wistful and unfailingly vivid.

Whats in a Name? Giving Birth to your Characters

So you've got your plot outlined, a title lined up and the research is done. You're ready to start writing your novel.

Writers Helping Writers - A Noble Legacy

It is satisfying to be a part of such a noble tradition and to know that as a whole, writers are still inclined to lend a hand and encourage others in their craft. I think it is an inherent trait in the writer's soul, to be so generous.

Message to Online Writers: Dont Give Up On A Good Idea

The writing community is a strong one, with many new "members" joining daily. All theser writers are finding or looking for their particular niches.

And What Do You Do? ... How To Know When Youre a Writer!

It's the funniest thing. When someone asks me what I do for a living, I tell them, "I'm a writer.

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Memories Dont Fade Like Hair Does: Memoir Writing Help for You, Our Elders, to Tell Your Story
~~~Old age, to the unlearned, is winter; to the learned, it's harvest time. ~ Yiddish saying~~~You can tell your life story by biography, which is a whole book that starts from the start and ends at (or near) the end.
Ways to Make Extra Income Using the Internet
To capitalize on ways to make extra income you can (and should) use the Internet for test marketing:(a) To establish demand for your extra income idea.(b) To prepare yourself to take advantage of other ways to make extra income i.
Suspense Novels Need Fast Starts
Suspense novels, unlike any other genre, need fast starts. Fans of suspense novels or their close relatives, thrillers, detective stories and mysteries, expect a fast-paced read.
Why I Write Horror
These are some of the snapshots I carry with me: My father coming up to visit me after first being diagnosed with leukemia. The visit was a surprise, and he brought a new computer with him.
Celebrating Writing and Life
Every morning I excitedly get out of bed. Just a few minutes of goals and visions for the day swirl in my head.
Put a Spin on Your Idea!
Eight or nine times out of ten, picking up and leafing through a magazine's or book's table of contents, you will find at least one or more articles or chapters that will catch your attention immediately. Never mind that that article or chapter's subject had been written about many times before.
Gaining Writing Experience
GAINING WRITING EXPERIENCE Some Catch-22, huh? In the writing business, you can't get published until you have some experience. If you can't get published until you have experience, how do you get experience? How do you get publishing clips to show all those publishers who want to see "previously published clips"? It's almost as if Lily Tomlin's telephone operator character came up with this: "Is this the party to whom I'm speaking? Are you the unpublished writer who has published clips I can look at? (Snort, snort!)" What's an unpublished writer to do? Get published, of course! I'm not being flippant; I'm serious.
Prolific Writers
Prolific authors write; they don't just dream about it. A good example is Georges Simenon of Inspector Maigret fame.
Writing New Ideas
Someone once commented that there were no new ideas to write, that all that could be done was a recombination of the words and phrases for a deeper, more personal expression of meaning. They have completely missed the point and purpose to 'writing'.
Ten Tips To Get Started Writing Your Book
You are far more likely to successfully write and publish your book if you follow these tips before you write a single chapter.1.
Editorial Freelancing: 5 Must-Know Tips to Getting Your Foot in the Door
So, you want to freelance as an editor, writer, copy editor, copywriter, graphic designer, proofreader, etc.? But, how do you go about it?My mother was fond of saying, "If you want to know something, go directly to the source.
Become the Writer You Always Dreamed of Being
So you want to be a writer, except you don't know where to begin. Heck you can't even think of something to write about let alone how you're going to get paid for writing.
Writers Turn to the Internet for Support, Friendship and Advice
Riding on the fumes of potential, you take pen to paper or keyboard to monitor. Endless hours of creativity intermingle with apprehension, but your need to write engulfs your spirit.
A New Way To Self Publish
More and more good authors are turning to the Internet to self publish. There are several reasons for that.
Discover the Writer Hiding Inside You
Has the thought run across you mind that you might want to write a column or two? Maybe you thought about writing your own material for your company newsletter. Maybe someone asked you to share your expertise with others by writing a how-to paper.
Top Seven Essential Hot-Selling Points To Implement Before Writing Chapter One
Every part of your book can be a sales tool. When you include the below tips, you will have a roadmap to follow to keep your writing organized and compelling, and you'll sell more books than you ever dreamed of! 1.
A Mode of Transportation
Great writing transports one vicariously to realms that the reader would not otherwise experience.One of these areas is physical: ancient, modern, or futuristic.
7 Steps to Successful Publishing
The decision to publish a book is very exciting! It causes the creative juices to flow and the eyes to light up. But wait - before you begin the publishing process, know about the seven most important steps you need to know before publishing your book.
Its All About YOU!
The Hottest Word on the WebDid you know marketing people and copywriters are developing a science about writing for readers in this new medium called the Web? In fact, they use carefully selected words to catch a reader's attention. Here are a few:NewTrueAuthoritySexualGuaranteedBonusFirstQuickNowCatchFastPersonalSpiritualSuccessFreeThese words are not in any order of importance or frequency.
Use Real-Life Templates For Writing Success
At some point along the way, most of us have used what are commonly called "fill-in-the-blank" writing templates. We might have used them to write a letter, format an essay, or set-up a resume or CV.