Writing Information

Why Every Freelance Writer Needs A Website

What do you mean, you don't have a website yet? Websites these days aren't just for businesses and people who want to share their obsession with Buffy the Vampire Slayer with the world. These days, websites are one of the most important tools for writers.

Writing Is Not Life-threatening

Some writers complain that writing is arduous work requiring long hours and little pay, which is often true especially for freelance fiction writers. Today, everyone wants to be a writer and with word processors and computers it is easy to put thoughts down, but it is not always effortless to be published unless one self-publishes or uses a vanity press.

A Writers Life

Ever wonder what an author's life is like? What that breathing, sweating, hungry, weary, bona fide guy does when he's not at the keyboard? How does his "day job" affect his writing? When he's mowing the lawn, grocery shopping, or babysitting grandchildren - what goes through his mind? Is he sucking up every sensation as he moves through his day, tucking tidbits away for a future piece? Or, does he simply journey through life, just - doing - these things?How do I define myself? Am I Aaron Paul Lazar, with the obligatory middle name, author of the LeGarde Mystery Series? Sometimes. At book signings, indeed.

Top 5 Rules of English Grammar

Communication is effective when we follow certain rules. These rules make the written words understood.

Making Money from Freelance Writing

Making Money from Freelance WritingIt's the question that every aspiring freelancer eventually finds themselves asking: is it really possible to make money from this? The kind of money that lets you keep a roof over your head and feed your kids occasionally, that is?Well, yes, it is. But let's be honest: it's not easy.

The Importance of Writing Clearly for Business

Creating written documents reveals so much about you and your business skills. Your writing tells the reader about your educational background, pride in your work and business expertise.

Open a Vein

If you want to be a writer, you must write and that requires sitting at your typewriter or computer and writing although it may not be easy. That also means avoiding all distractions that will keep one from writing-visitors, friends, relatives, television, radio, and anything that will keep the writer from concentrating on the task.

Do The Unfamiliar To Keep Your Writing Going

One of the best ways to blow someone's winning streak during a tennis game is to comment on how great they are doing. Your comment will kick in their left brain's inner critic which will zap their flow and change their focus.

10 Best Writers Who Ever Lived

Compiling a list of the history's ten best writers is like skating on a heated swimming pool. Just when you get started, you find yourself in hot water.

A Plan

All writers should use a plan whether written or reflected. This includes the initial idea, the content or main points, and the conclusion whether it is an article, a short story, a chapter, or a complete novel.

Building Character

Names are important. Names give clues about us, where we live, who we are.

The Writers Angst

What is this annoying, insidious angst that permeates my psyche? In all other regards, I'm a moderately confident guy. I'm secure in my abilities to be a good father, husband, employee, friend, gardener, etc.

Zany Ideas That Increase Writing Productivity And Quality

Welcome to the zany ideas of a productive writer. My students keep reminding me of my unusual tools and how helpful they have been for them.

Hey Cient, this is Me! Find Your Writing Voice and Sell Yourself

In a crowded market, clients will be seeking personality as they read what you've written -- they'll click right past pages that feel "been there, read that." They're looking for a voice that says, "Hey, client, this is me!"They want to know not just what you deliver -- but how.

Blank Mind, Blank Screen: Need Ideas!

Q. I'm staring at a blank screen with an equally blank mind.

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The Writers Identity: Exploring the Writer Within
Les Edgerton writes in his book, Finding Your Voice, that the best way to find your voice is to write autobiographically. "Writers will never find a powerful, evocative voice until they learn to be bone-deep honest with themselves, open and vulnerable.
To Transcribe or Not To Transcribe Interviews?
11 Secrets from an Experienced InterviewerOne of the unwritten rules of writing a book, an article, or any sort of material that requires the writer to interview experts or people "in the know" is to tape record the conversation. Whether the recording occurs via phone or in person is irrelevant.
Five Common Errors to Correct Before Submitting a Letter or Report
First impressions count in writing too! So it is always a good idea to carefully check documents such as letter, reports, and proposals before submitting them. Below are five of the most common errors.
A Writers Tools
If you are like most writers, you're constantly searching for tips on technique that will help you to increase your chances of publication. You eagerly pounce on articles that tell you how to plot better, write better and sell better.
10 Tips To Help You Pack More Power Into Your Business Writing
1. Before you write anything down define not what you want to say, but what your message must achieve.
Be Your Own Literary Agent and Get Published
So you're one of 20 million Americans who want to write a book. If you've already written a manuscript, chances are you're looking for agent representation.
Extreme Research: 10 Snappy Rules For Success
So you want to learn to research well, and not waste any time. Let's do it.
Memories Dont Fade Like Hair Does: Memoir Writing Help for You, Our Elders, to Tell Your Story
~~~Old age, to the unlearned, is winter; to the learned, it's harvest time. ~ Yiddish saying~~~You can tell your life story by biography, which is a whole book that starts from the start and ends at (or near) the end.
Freelance or Staff
There is no doubt that a staff writer enjoys advantages not availed by the freelancer. However, there are benefits available to the freelancer that a staff writer can never expect.
Learn How To Write Poetry!
A poet isn't born; you must work at crafting your art. If you have the desire to write, you can learn how to write poetry or simply improve your writing.
How To Write More Powerful Reports
There is one key difference between reports and most other forms of business writing, and we get a hint of that in the word, "report." Whereas with many other forms of written comms you can be a little creative and put your own slant on your words, in a report you must not.
The Many Paths to Plotting
For several years before I left teaching to write full time (over a decade ago now), I was a specialist reading teacher. I dealt mainly with two categories of kids: those who were struggling to read at all (I had to turn them into readers) andthose who could read, but did it slowly and reluctantly (I had to build their enthusiasm and level of expertise)Before I became a specialist in this subject, I had been a classroom teacher for some time.
71 Ways For A Writer To Make Money
There are so many ways for writers to make good money by writing. Some people love to write, even as a hobby.
Top 10 Tips to Complete a Creative Writing Project Without Losing Your Creativity
Have you ever started a creative writing project with great excitement, only to have your interest dwindle as the process, itself, interfere with your creativity? How do you keep the momentum going and continue to enjoy the creative process? Follow these tips for high creativity, fun and success!1. Create a writing environment that inspires you.
Writing the 8 WebCopy Headline Categories
My article this issue is an excerpt from a book I was reading recently titled; The Copywriters Handbook by Robert Bly, a secondary small niche I focus on a bit. It categorizes the different types of headlines which are most common and in use today.
Ways to Make Extra Income Using the Internet
To capitalize on ways to make extra income you can (and should) use the Internet for test marketing:(a) To establish demand for your extra income idea.(b) To prepare yourself to take advantage of other ways to make extra income i.
Teachers Should Write, During Their Summers
Before I became a teacher, I was a sports writer. Working for a newspaper taught me a lot about writing, especially dealing with the pressures of deadlines.
The Demon Fear
You have a great idea for a poem, a story, an essay, an article, a book, or a novel, but you hesitate to write it. Why?Fear is the key to a writer's procrastination, hesitation, and dawdling.
Whats in a Name? Giving Birth to your Characters
So you've got your plot outlined, a title lined up and the research is done. You're ready to start writing your novel.
How to Write Words Worth a Thousand Pictures
Our Image-Driven SocietyWe live in a new image-driven society. It can be hard on writers unless they learn to connect with today's readers.