Writing Information

Novel to Screenplay: The Challenges of Adaptation

ADAPTATION 101Brimming with confidence, you've just signed the check purchasing the rights to adapt John Doe's fabulous, but little known novel, Lawrence of Monrovia, to screenplay form. Suddenly, panic sets in.

A Few Brief Tips to Deal with Writing Rejection

What to do when you get rejected.You've just finished your book, sent out query letters and was rejected.

Time-Saving Skills to Get More from Your Writing

As you set out to create your first niche non-fiction book (and hopefully your first bestseller), you will be supported by a strong motivation to keep your mind focused on the essential business at hand i.e.

Multiplying Sales As A Writer

Often, time is an enemy of writers. Sales seem slow and checks too small.

Writing - Copyrights and Trademarks Protect You

When most people consider writing a book, they don't think about Trademarks. However, I highly recommend that you leverage your writing for multiple purposes, and that's why registering a Trademark for your concept is a good idea.

Where to Look for Your Next Project when You're Writing for Profit

When my first book "Starting Your Own Business" was published way back in 1995, I thought that was it. I reckoned I'd never write another one.

Ways to Make Extra Income Using the Internet

To capitalize on ways to make extra income you can (and should) use the Internet for test marketing:(a) To establish demand for your extra income idea.(b) To prepare yourself to take advantage of other ways to make extra income i.

Freelance Writing: How Many Regular Clients Should You Have?

This is a tough question for every freelance writer. For me, the worst working scenario is when a few weeks go by and all my work comprises one-off jobs for small clients who never become repeat customers.

Discover the Writer Hiding Inside You

Has the thought run across you mind that you might want to write a column or two? Maybe you thought about writing your own material for your company newsletter. Maybe someone asked you to share your expertise with others by writing a how-to paper.

Writing Tips for your Journey

Tips for your writing journeySo, you'd like to be a writer? Congrats! Writing not only is a great way to express yourself, but can provide an income. Keep in mind not all writers make a fortune, some still cant quit their day job.

Essay Types and Modes Youll Need to Write for College

~TYPES~You Want Us to Write What? Understanding the Task AssignedWhich academic essay writing types we use depends upon which disciplines (or classes) we write for. Each instructor or professor will assign papers that invite us to reveal in writing what we have learned/what we think about the material for that particular class:* ANALYTIC-A classic style used in art, science, history, psychology, education, and most other disciplines across the curriculum to explore and investigate an idea, process, person, action, or attitude.

Making Freelance Writing Niche Types Fit: A Few Niche Types by Definition and Description

Our Freelance Writing Needs DefinedWe must make freelance niche types fit our needs, wants, values and lifestyles, and we also must make ourselves fit freelance niche types. Of our waking hours, we work more than we do anything else.

Memoir Writing Help, Memoir Writing Ideas

You might not need any memoir writing help, per se, as you know your past and you know quite well how to write, thank you. You might instead just need someone to inspire you, motivate you, give you a nudge--with some memoir writing ideas.

Memories Dont Fade Like Hair Does: Memoir Writing Help for You, Our Elders, to Tell Your Story

~~~Old age, to the unlearned, is winter; to the learned, it's harvest time. ~ Yiddish saying~~~You can tell your life story by biography, which is a whole book that starts from the start and ends at (or near) the end.

Editing for Perfection - The Personal Statement

This article contains a short guide on how to edit your personal statement and create tension and suspense within your writing. For most potential students there are some clear reasons why they wish to embark on university.

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Writing the PDA Way
When we think of writing it triggers many thoughts and visions depending on our framing. It could trigger a lone man with a full astray, unshaven, staring at an old plunking typewriter with white blank crisp paper waiting in anticipation for his words.
Under The Leaded Sky in Serbia by dr Mirjana Radovic
When one population in one century survived five wars, two wars in just ten years, enforcment by self a question it`s the war destiny of Serbian people or his dare. With what a Serbian people has merit this - with his frankness, levity, with collective and national damnation or just with that fact which they are living in the territories which from its geopolitical consideration always were interesting orbit of much other populations.
How To Co-Publish For Profits!
The Benefits of Co-Publishing There are a number of publishers, printers, and mail order dealers who publish their own mailorder magazine. They make their profit by selling advertising space to others in addition to selling their own offers.
Stimulate Your Sensebuds...and Wave Goodbye To Writers Cramp!
When you get stuck for ideas, and the words won't flow, invariably it's because one, more or all of your senses aren't being stimulated.Staring at a blank screen or sheet of paper really doesn't help.
Bird by Bird
It's easy to feel overwhelmed by marketing. First, there's so much to learn: What works? What's a waste of your time? Where should you invest your energy and money?Then you have to prioritize: Where should you start? What's the ONE THING that, if you don't do anything else for a while, is your best first step?Next, you've got to figure out how to get it all done.
Get Noticed! Eight Tips to Catching an Editors Eye
The first five pages of a novel are critical.Editors make quick judgments.
Good Writing
Good writing is like sex. Two people are involved - the writer and the reader.
8 Quick Tips on Creating Vivid, Memorable Characters
These 8 tips on using characters in your stories will help you make sure that readers are involved with your story people right from the start.Tip 1: Make sure that the reader knows as early as possible who the viewpoint character is in any scene.
Writing Secrets You Must Know
Writing better is critical for students. But it's even more important for business communicators.
Arouse Your Short Story And See It Published
Are you ready to abandon your short stories? Before you toss your newest story in the trash, revisit it using many of the same guidelines editors keep in mind when they review your work. If you follow these guidelines, you will be many steps closer to placing your short story in a well-known literary journal.
Does Your Plot Suit Your Characters And Vice-Versa?
Creative Writing Tips -When an idea comes to us for a short story, we either think of a story line first or a character first. Whichever we think of first, and later on build, we have to make sure the plot and the character suit each other.
Be Concise
Concision. (Sounds like I made up another word.
Writing - Copyrights and Trademarks Protect You
When most people consider writing a book, they don't think about Trademarks. However, I highly recommend that you leverage your writing for multiple purposes, and that's why registering a Trademark for your concept is a good idea.
Writing Query Letters that Count -- Close the Deal with Your First Letter!
Your query letter can be a deal maker or a deal breaker. So, if your query letter just lies there, you've killed the sale immediately or your story or novel immediately.
The Writing Game
There are a lot of tapes and books and CD and even videos out there that claim they teach you how to write, but how many actually offer a full 4 part course included in their manual. A course that is offered in London as part of a creative writing school?This one does.
Boost Your Income With Trade Journals
Why would anyone want to write for trade journals? Aren't the topics are dry? Don't they require specialized knowledge? Not necessarily. You may want to consider trade journals to increase the potential market for your articles - and for the money.
Building Character
Names are important. Names give clues about us, where we live, who we are.
Is Horror Dead?
I've noticed a big shift away from traditional horror recently, in books, shorts and in subs to E2M.What's happened to the werewolves, devils, demons, ghosts, vamps and other nasties?Some claim that the above has been done to death.
7 Secrets For Beating Writers Block
Most people can easily identify with the dreaded "writer's block". It is a well-known phenomenon that just about everyone has faced at one point in their lives.
A Beginners Guide to Writing a Novel
No one is born a novel writer. But do you believe that we all have the capability to be writers? Impossible as it may seem but the answer is yes! If we have the passion for it and if we strive to make it happen, novelwriting can be as easy as writing ABC.